Flying for a purpose

„If you do a split now, I will donate $ 1000“ Both men who are standing in the queue of the outdoor cocktail bar opposite to me start laughing simultaneously. „I can teach you and then you can show your skills at the next Trivia!“ is what I tell them while lowering my left foot that had been next to my left ear in a stretch standing on top of the shoulders of Jeroen as my base. In fact, the height I am standing at is also unusual to me, since we are performing our acrobatics today at a special location: the SkyLounge of DaVita in Denver. Why are we that high above the ground on the last Friday of September? The discussion between the two men has already revealed a bit of the background: We are performing „Olympic-worthy gymnastics“ as the newsagency „Blacktire presents“ will later write.

The 5th Annual Trivia For Life, benefiting the American Transplant Foundation, at DaVita World Headquarters Sky Lounge in Denver, Colorado, on Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. Photo

During the Trivia with the topic „Going for the Gold“ the American Transplant Foundation is not only entertaining, but also collecting funds in order to get closer to their overall goal: That nobody ever again has to die while waiting for a transplantation. This year, they honour Olympic Gold medalist swimmer Crissy Perform who saved one of her neighbour’s life when becoming a living kidney donor.
We as acrobat-duo Flyghters are happy to support the positive cause of the organisation and do not only enjoy the great view over downtown Denver up above the clouds, but also the inspiring atmosphere and nice people all around.

The 5th Annual Trivia For Life, benefiting the American Transplant Foundation, at DaVita World Headquarters Sky Lounge in Denver, Colorado, on Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. Photo

Veröffentlicht von Lilith Diringer

Lest hier in meinem Blog nach, welche Erlebniss ich in aller Welt sammle. Von Chongqing, China bis hin nach Burkina Faso lasse ich euch eintauchen in Welten, die euch vielleicht noch nicht so unmittelbar bekannt sind. Habt ihr Interesse an meinem professionellen Profil, dann geht es hier entlang: Nicht zu vergessen sind meine Projekte als Akrobatin. Dann schaut ihr euch am besten hier um:

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